In such an evolutionary fashion industry, it is not always likely that a particular fashion trend or fashion "must have" will consistently be in the forefront of fashion . Trends are not supposed to have long lives, most designers expect trends to merely have short lives but inspire their creative genius. Some trends may even be brought back to life at the hands of a talented and innovative designer; but it is not the standard. The seasonal lives of fashion pieces and most styles is what makes fashion so full of life and so impeccably diverse. We are always looking for the next big thing in fashion, the look that everyone will want to have for themselves. That piece that stands out in a closet full of designer duds. It is always the concept of creating a new heartbeat in a new collection that makes the runway so exciting. But any true fashionista has noticed that there is one gemstone that will always be set apart from the others, and rightfully so. Even CoCo Chanel herself saw the brilliance in pearls. A classic trendsetter knows a classic when she sees it.
Chanel is known for giving women some of the most widely celebrated gifts of fashion. Where would we be without that perfect fitting, always appropriate little black dress? And who would have ever thought that her obsession with pockets would set a standard for handbags everywhere? I don't know about you, but I simply have to have a handbag with pockets.
When it came to fashion, she never let the limitations that other designers set become her standard to follow. This woman, with sheer brilliance created her signature "opera length" necklaces by adding a strand or two of fake pearls with authentic ones. The result: astounding. Her reason for doing so? Practicality.
Pearls can add elegance to just about any outfit that is not too casual of course. For a more conservative look, try one strand of pearls.
Studs are great to add to the conservative look, and big studs create a more glamorous look. In Angelina's case, studs were all she needed to create the extraordinary beauty that is this photo.
Remember, pearls do not have to be white. Black pearls have become very popular, as well as pink ones.
Pearls will never be a trend. They will never be fabulous one season and mocked the next. Fashion will continue to change, and your style might even be recreated or tweaked from time to time. But always make sure to remember the pearls. Use your creativity and wear pearls your own way. Why not? It worked for Chanel.
Pearls will never be a trend. They will never be fabulous one season and mocked the next. Fashion will continue to change, and your style might even be recreated or tweaked from time to time. But always make sure to remember the pearls. Use your creativity and wear pearls your own way. Why not? It worked for Chanel.
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