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Because Bloggers Mess Up Sometimes: Singer Mya Is Not Pregnant

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Some of the major gossip blogs have been reporting that singer Mya is pregnant. I kept from posting the juice because pregnancy rumors are usually just that...rumors. I'd rather the celeb or the spokesperson confirm something that serious before I post it. I pretty much figured it wasn't true. I would hope Mya is too busy trying to get her career back on track than to start having some babies right now. Word in the industry is she is really planning for a comeback; it doesn't sound like she is trying to take a break for motherhood just yet.

The rumor around the blogosphere is she got knocked up by Jared Najjar. He is supposed to be a major real estate tycoon in Atlanta.

But anyway, here's the statement her spokesperson released:

“This information is completely false. Mya is not pregnant. She doesn’t even know any of these people. Every part of the story is made up.”

Well that's settled, I hope Mya find success in revamping her career.


Anonymous said...

A least she got a little publicity because NO ONE is checking for her.

January 13, 2009 at 11:02 AM
Anonymous said...

I don't think Mya can make a comeback.

January 13, 2009 at 12:34 PM