Kanye West recently told People magazine that Beyonce is the "greatest performer of our generation."
And it gets better, simply because Kanye can't have an interview and praise another artist without appropriately praising himself also...he also said:
"I believe I am the greatest entertainer of this generation."
And how he feels about Lil' Wayne and Jay Z:
"I go neck-and-neck on Jay-Z and (Lil) Wayne as far as who's the best lyricist. Jay-Z has longevity."
Kanye is one of the better rappers out here right now. I was telling a few of my girlfriends how most of the rappers sound the same to me. They all brag about how great they are at sex (Plies can't think of another topic to save his damn life), big butts, h*es, and how much money they have and how they blow it on dumb things like jewelry. After a while, all the songs sound the same and that's why artists like Kanye and Common will always have a special and continuous place on my I-pod. But lyrically, I'm not quite sure he's ready to compare himself to Jay Z or Lil Wayne. Not yet Kanye.
And can we actually call Beyonce the greatest performer of our generation? Beyonce is a triple threat in the business. She can sing, dance, and she's beautiful. And she has grown as an entertainer. I look at her "Crazy In Love" video now and just shake my head on how much she has improved as a dancer. She sells out her concert tickets easily because she's an excellent performer. She danced the entire video for "Single Ladies." Everyone can't do that.
So although I can't totally agree with Kanye on his thoughts concerning himself as a top lyricist, he might be right about Beyonce. Who else can do what she does; but here' s the better question: Are they doing it now?
Nope there is no one else. Beyonce is the hottest chick in the game right now. That's why she has so many haters!
January 12, 2009 at 4:40 PMI am so sick of Beyonce, she won't let anyone else shine while she has an album out. She's so selfish.
January 12, 2009 at 4:55 PMBeyonce sucks...I think the standards for what qualifies as good music has changed because this new album she has is horrible. I like 2 songs from the entire album. And that's Diva and Single Ladies. She needs to retire.
January 12, 2009 at 5:56 PMBeyonce's haters are just plain sad and pathetic. Give the woman her props. She is the best singer out right now. Get over it.
January 12, 2009 at 8:02 PMNobody has sh*t on Beysus!
January 12, 2009 at 8:07 PMRihanna is going to be the end of Beyonce, mark my words. Watch.
January 12, 2009 at 8:13 PMHmmmm...I must be a little old school, cause I thought Michael Jackson was the best performer especially in the pop genre. Sure he's a sicko, but based on careers, Michael has set an industry standard exclusive on originality. I feel that standard has yet to be surpassed. No way am I hating on Beyonce, cause I'll buy a concert ticket tomorrow. That title should thoroughly be examined and not tossed around, especially by the likes of Kanye West.
January 13, 2009 at 6:12 PMPost a Comment