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Kanye West Just Wants To Be Great And Wants Hackers To Let Him Live

Monday, January 26, 2009

Rapper Kanye West can't seem to stay out of controversy these days.

The rapper has been a favorite target for rapper turned bully 50 Cent as of late, and now hackers seem to have an intense interest in him also.

Kanye states that hackers have apparently hacked into his email account and then posted on numerous forums claiming that the superstar will appear in a bisexual porn film.

Unfortunately, the American Video News picked up the rumor and ran it as a story without doing any fact checking.

Kanye states in his blog:

"Yoooo, why won't you let me be great!!! I had the two greatest days of my life, and when I get back from the Louie [sic] show, I read some sh-- claiming I said I'm down to do porn and some bisexual porn!!!! I can't believe the AVN [Adult Video News] would post [that story]."

This isn't Kanye's first encounter with online hackers, recently, his twitter account was hacked. The hacker pretended to be Kanye West and started a tweet altercation with Stephen Colbert. West on the situation:

"First people believed the Twitter/ Stephen Colbert thing, Rolling Stone even printed it!!!!" he said. "Now somebody has been hacking into my MySpace and somebody's actually hacked into my personal GMail account and has been e-mailing people from it. ... Hey, world, I no longer have GMail! I found out I had twelve unauthorized Skype accounts under my name!!! This all in the past four days. Welcome to Kanye West World!

"Please I beg you, give me a break!!!!!" Let me be great!!! Who have I hurt so bad that they want to destroy me? Who have I ever spoke about so negatively? I just was speaking with our new president two days ago ... and now this."

I know it must suck for Kanye to be such a favorite with hackers, but unfortunately, his high level of stardom makes him accessible to these types of situations. Even us normal folks know plenty of people that don't seem to want us to achieve greatness either.

I hope Kanye doesn't allow this to keep him down for too long.


Anonymous said...

Kanye West is forever a victim.

January 26, 2009 at 11:32 AM
Anonymous said...

Umm how would u feel if hackers took over access to all your personal online accounts @ 11:32?

January 26, 2009 at 12:41 PM
Anonymous said...

I think 11:32 was more so talking about how much Kanye b*tches about everything. And I totally agree!

January 26, 2009 at 1:54 PM
Anonymous said...

Say what you want about Kanye, he is more talented than half of the artists out here. I can care less what he says. Just keep on giving us good music.

January 26, 2009 at 1:59 PM
Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for kanye. it's been tough for him since his mom passed.

January 26, 2009 at 4:22 PM
Anonymous said...

maybe if kanye humbled himself, i too would pity him.

January 27, 2009 at 11:14 AM