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Michelle Obama Stirs Up Controversy For Not Wearing Black Designers For The Inauguration

Friday, January 23, 2009

In very stupid news of the day, First Lady Michelle Obama has touched a nerve in the black fashion community for not wearing any black designers on the day of her husband's Inauguration.

The Black Artists Association is apparently upset because Michelle Obama chose a Cuban-American designer and a Taiwanese-American designer for both her Inauguration dress and Inaugural ball gown.

The Black Artists Association's co-founder Amnau Eele told WWD, "It’s fine and good if you want to be all ‘Kumbaya’ and ‘We Are the World’ by representing all different countries. But if you are going to have Isabel Toledo do the inauguration dress, and Jason Wu do the evening gown, why not have Kevan Hall, B Michael, Stephen Burrows or any of the other black designers do something too?”

Eele continued with her temper tantrum and and also told WWD:

"It’s one thing to look at the world without color but she had seven slots to wear designer clothes. Why wasn’t she wearing the clothes of a black designer? That was our moment.”

Excuse me Amnau Eele, but I thought "our" moment was when the first Black president of the United States was sworn into office. And it wasn't just "our" moment, it was everyone's moment. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, everyone of all races is equally as proud of our country. People around the world were cheering, and they are from different places and of different ethnicities.

I cannot understand why this is even an issue. Michelle Obama chose designers who are American and virtually unknown! That is very commendable and I am proud of her decisions.

And if you really want to have a damn pity party about this, remember she has 4 years to wear as many black designers as she wants to.
Stop the foolishness.

Eele also plans to make a formal appeal to Michelle Obama's office for not choosing black designers.

Utterly ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

Are you serious? This is so stupid!

January 23, 2009 at 11:26 AM
Anonymous said...

Here we go. This all goes to the whole "They aren't black enough" stuff. This argument is flawed and so damn stupid on so many levels. Like you said, she has plenty of time to wear black designers. Obviously this person is an idiot.

January 23, 2009 at 11:38 AM
Anonymous said...

Just when I thought we were on the come up. Crabs in a damn barrel. Just sad.

January 23, 2009 at 11:43 AM
Anonymous said...

Why do people care about what she wears so much? I love fashion too but damn this woman has an impressive resume. But all I hear about is her fashion sense. Let her live.

January 23, 2009 at 11:49 AM
LadyMsJay said...

This is sad.

It wasn't about being "proud to be black," as much as it should have been "proud of change."

..this is ridiculous.

People find any reason to comment on things.

January 23, 2009 at 1:35 PM
Anonymous said...

So not only will the Republicans, bigots, and the media try to tear this woman apart, now her own people too? Pathetic.

January 23, 2009 at 3:29 PM
Anonymous said...

I'm sure Michelle isn't going to let this bother her not one bit. Stupid people I tell ya.

January 23, 2009 at 7:18 PM
Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Michelle is too classy to care about something so stupid.

January 23, 2009 at 7:24 PM
Opé - Style Artist said...

I guess she was supposed to wear a dashiki?!
Right whatever... she had a LOT of dresses to chose from and she made her choice.

As someone mentioned she has many more years to wear a black designer dress or item...hopefully she has 8 years actually.

all I can hear playing is Jill Scott singing hate on me haters...

January 23, 2009 at 9:27 PM
Anonymous said...

This is not a stupid concern... Black folk will NOT NOT tolerate slights from black folk. It's enough we put up with slights all these years from white folk. Frankly, Mrs. O needs help... and when black folks know fashion, they cannot be topped. Black designers have not had a platform. The Inauguration gown should have been designed by a Black American designer! Every other Inaugural gown on display for posterity was designed by a non-black designer... Black American designers are long overdue. Keep your head in the sand at your own peril. Black folk are fickle -- and if they feel they have been slighted -- IT'S OVER BABY!

January 25, 2009 at 12:25 AM
Anonymous said...

@ 12:25

LOL! Eele is that you? Take that ignorant blacks hating on blacks crap else where! Michelle Obama doesn't need any help, you do! And it is stupid, the woman has 4 years to wear black designers! Why turn something so historic and great into something so petty and juvenile? There is no excuse for such ignorance! You speak as if you are speaking for all black people, but if you turn around, no one is behind you on this! I had no idea that black people can only wear black designers. You are the same type of people that protested against Barack because he wasn't "black" enough. Go sit down somewhere and shut the hell up. It's embarrassing to the rest of us.

Even MLK had haters who looked like him. Why should this be any different?

January 25, 2009 at 12:36 AM
Anonymous said...

I am convinced that 12:25 is Eele. What are you doing searching the web to see who is talking about how dumb and irrational people think you are? That is sad. You do not speak for black people period. I don't care who Michelle Obama picked to design a damn dress, I just appreciate that in 2009 our country is seeing past color...oh wait, you don't seem to see past color, now do you Eele? I refuse to criticize Michelle Obama over something so unimportant. I'm just hoping her husband cn fix what George W. Bush messed up. Grow up a little.

January 25, 2009 at 8:11 AM
Amanda said...

Hi everyone,

I wasn't going to get involved in the conversation because I love to let you all speak on my posts, and tell me how you feel, but let me remind you all of a few things:

You do not have to agree with anything that I say or with each other, but I will not post or tolerate any comments that I feel are disrespectful to me as a black woman or my readers. My email box is crazy right now, but your comment will NOT be published if it contains any offensive words that reminds me of a very dark time for my ancestors. If you cannot express your opinion without using racist terminology, your post will not get published!

It is 2009, this is my blog, and it is certain words and phrases I will simply NOT tolerate on my blog! I don't care if a black author is behind them or not. Got it? Good!

Thank you all for visiting and for all the support you have shown this blog.

And if you have a problem with my stance, click on the contact link. That is why it's there.

PS. I still have comments to moderate, it's the weekend, bare with me I will get to them all.


January 25, 2009 at 8:28 AM
Anonymous said...

This Eele person, if it is indeed her that posted that horrible comment a couple posters before me, sounds pretty ignorant. My father and his family were heavily involved in the Civil Rights Movement (Amanda I read your earlier post and I can see your family was too), and my Dad said that it is still some black people who are living in the past. They are no better than the racist white people that are still living in the past and showed out during Obama's campaign. I would have to say Eele is still living in the past and thank God the young people like us are for moving forward. Her comments are so sad and pathetic. Our country is in turmoil, we have our first black president, and this idiot is mad about a dress? I don't even see the people who fought during the civil rights movement getting upset about this, they were too busy celebrating like the rest of us. So what does that say about you Eele?

January 25, 2009 at 11:44 AM
Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda! First, let me say I really love your blog! I have been reading it for a while now, and you have done such a wonderful job with it. I know you are working hard and I wish you only the best.

I never comment on blogs, but I have to comment on this post after reading that comment left by this supposedly Eele person.

I am not black, I am white, and a proud American! When Obama was sworn in as our 44th president, I was proud of our country because we came together and chose a man because he was right for the job and his skin color wasn't an issue. When I stepped in the booth to vote for this man, his race was of very little importance, except a testimony to my little children that our country is growing up and excepting diversity.

If Eele and individuals like herself want to cause a division in this country over the race of fashion designers Michelle chooses to wear, they will find themselves alone and properly unsupported. I too enjoy fashion, but I care more about what this man will do to help our country than who his wife wears. She is an elegant and intelligent beautiful woman, and I support her 100% regardless. So I say to the rest of you, don't get caught up in the negative. Let's continue to support our president and first family, and let these dividers fight an useless battle and loose on their own.

January 25, 2009 at 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...

Who cares what that sad person thinks?! Team Obama!

January 25, 2009 at 11:58 AM
Anonymous said...

The crazy thing is, I was going to try to understand where this Eele person was coming from until I read their comment. This person is bitter and ignorant and of very little importance right now. The First Lady did a great job in her selection of dresses, and I;m proud of her choices too.

January 25, 2009 at 12:00 PM
Anonymous said...

Plese-this woman can wear a potato sack and still be beautiful to me! I am soooo over this whole thing, just fix our country Barack! These ignorant people don't even matter!

January 25, 2009 at 12:03 PM
Anonymous said...

Wow-yall are really letting this Eele person have it! This whole issue is really stupid though.

January 26, 2009 at 11:27 AM
Anonymous said...

Although Amnau Eele has done alot for the community, this really overshadows all of that. This is such a stupid issue and technically doesn't even matter right now. I am very disappointed in Eele.

January 26, 2009 at 4:26 PM
Dre' Leon said...

the crab theory in full effect...not even the obama's are immune to this...damn shame!

aren't there more important things to be worrying about???

January 26, 2009 at 8:05 PM