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50 Cent and Rick Ross Beef Continues To Escalate

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

That damn 50 Cent is at it again, and his victim for this week is rapper Rick Ross.

The two have been going back and forth for a few days now, and Ross has publicly asked 50 Cent to come up to a response for earlier diss tracks Ross released last week.

The beef has now escalated due to a new video 50 cent released in which he sits down with Rick Ross' baby moms Tia. In this video, Tia doesn't hold back and talks personal details of Ross' life including his controversial stint as a corrections officer.

What is Tia's compensation for participating in the video? A damn shopping spree. Yes, 50 Cent took this chick on a shopping spree for spilling the beans on Ross. All I can do is shake my head at this foolishness, here's the video below...

And both 50 Cent and Rick Ross decided to add more drama to their beef by calling Hot 97 to discuss the drama.

Ross, clearly unhappy with Tia's involvement in the hip hop beef stated during the interview:

"You had your people contact my baby mama…you gotta understand she has never made more than $300 a week in her life. Would I stand between her making a few dollars with this monkey? Of course not."

Ross continues his rant stating that 50 Cent "doesn't count in the South."

"We not gonna let "Curly" distract us from the fact 'Mafia Music' ended his career. The man has not charted a #1 record in Lord knows how long. He makes Dr. Dre look like a [fool]. I got Cool & Dre. Eminem is a genius. The worst move he could've done is be affiliated with such a monkey. He's [50 Cent] a parody of Hip Hop. I'm speaking from the streets."


And of course 50 Cent had to call in and give his response to Ross' digs and diss tracks, he told Funk Master Flex the following:

"He told me I got 48 hours to come up with something better than what I just came with, I came with something better."

Now it wouldn't be fair to any of you if I didn't mention that BOTH rappers are releasing albums in the Spring. So, this just sounds like a little publicity beef to bring in strong album sales.

Let's be honest, both 50 Cent and Rick Ross need some type of controversy to sell albums at this point. Ross had an hard blow to his image due to his stint as a corrections officer, and 50 Cent has ALWAYS needed drama to rake in album sales.

Not too long ago 50 Cent went after Lil' Wayne and Kanye West, and neither paid him too much attention. West pulled the victim card, and Lil' Wayne said nothing. And both artists are on top of their game right now. Seems like 50 Cent is more "unimportant" than he claims Rick Ross is.

Publicity beef or not, this is getting really interesting.


Anonymous said...

50 Cent and Rick Ross are both wack! I can't help but laugh at this video though. All this for a damn shopping spree?

February 4, 2009 at 10:10 AM
Anonymous said...

LOL at Rick Ross' ghetto ass baby momma!

February 4, 2009 at 10:12 AM
Anonymous said...

If Rick Ross allows 50 Cent to ruin his career, he's an idiot! 50 Cent is a nobody now!

February 4, 2009 at 10:36 AM
Anonymous said...

All I can hear in my head is :

"I'm about a dollar, what the f*ck is 50 Cent!"

Still reigns true today...

February 4, 2009 at 10:46 AM
Anonymous said...

Yeah Lil Wayne and Kanye are too busy making hits to worry about 50 Cent. So I guess it would only make sense to start beef with someone who actually needs the extra publicity. Ross is really falling off hard. He'll soon be washed up just like 50 Cent.

February 4, 2009 at 2:45 PM
Anonymous said...

Neither one of them are of any true value to hip hop. I really wish 50 would just give up rapping altogether. His whole career has been about rap beefs. He is whack as hell.

February 4, 2009 at 7:57 PM
MK (Dagga Man) said...

Some folks take this rap beef too's entertainment. 50 taking the babymom's shopping is just classic. Rap beef has just reached a whole other level. I love it.

February 5, 2009 at 1:14 PM