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Celebrity Gossip Quick Fix|Whitney Houston New Album|50 Cent Rick Ross Beef Update| TI , President of Atlantic Records?|Etta James Kind of Sorry

Friday, February 6, 2009

Okay yall, it's Friday and I am still very much under the weather. So bear with me, I am posting slower than I normally would. But anyway, here's your usual morning gossip fix.

Singer Whitney Houston is really getting serious about making her comeback to the music scene. Last night, she had a rehearsal for music mogul Clive Davis' grammy party, and he seems to really believe Whitney will have a few hits on her hands. Whitney Houston has been in the studio like crazy these days, and she just wrapped up a single that was produced by R. Kelly. Whitney's new single which was produced by R. Kelly is entitled "I Look To You."

A lot of industry insiders are saying her album will be pretty hot, and next week Whitney Houston will hit the studio again with David Foster.

Jennifer Hudson was also at the rehearsal and people say she sounded great last night and is stronger than ever. I'm sure she will be getting back to planning her wedding with David Punk Otunga very soon. He's really been supporting her too.

The 50 Cent and Rick Ross beef continues, and now rapper The Game decides he wants a little publicity too. He's choosing a side now...

and he's decided to back old rival 50 Cent. Oh yes, The Game called in to radio station KUBE 93 in Seattle yesterday and said he is with 50 Cent on this one. And even though he thought 50 Cent taking Rick Ross' baby's momma on a shopping spree was hilarious, The Game still very much wants to help Rick Ross out. He told the station:

"Rick Ross, reach out to my folks. If you can't, find Eddie Francis up in Seattle. Call him, and then have him call me up on three-way so I can get you up out of this mess."

Whatev, moving on...

Rapper TI is eyeing a new position with Atlantic Records. The Rubber Band Man is interested in becoming the President of Atlantic Records, and word in the industry is he is seriously being considered. It won't be too far of a stretch if he gets it considering that TI already heads his own label Grand Hustle. The only problem is TI is headed for some jail time.

So Etta James tore Beyonce a new one the other day in that damn audio clip that I think everyone has heard by now. Etta James got all pissy with Beyonce for singing her hit "At Last" for President Obama's Inaugural Ball first dance. Etta James is also getting a little bad press herself considering that she just like Beyonce, also remade the hit. Oh yes, "At Last" was not originally Etta James' song either and was a cover for Glen Miller. Yes, Glen Miller performed it first. Interesting...

Etta James has even kind of apologized for going after Beyonce and President Obama, she told the NY Daily News:

"I didn't really mean anything. Even as a little child, I've always had that comedian kind of attitude...that's probably what went into it."

She said she still feels she could have done a better job than Beyonce and felt really left out and that the comments about President Obama were only jokes.

Anywho, the blogosphere is saying Beyonce isn't taking any of this well at all and has been crying her eyes out for days. While I don't know how true that is, I do know for a fact that Beyonce is more sensitive than you think. She cried like a baby during all that Destiny's Child drama too, so I can see a little truth in this. And people have always said that Solange acts more like the older sister and is very overprotective of Beyonce. So I am still waiting on Solange to get involved in all of this, I know she wants to.

But Beyonce will be fine, everyone has a bad day. No one will see her a little while, but she will have it back together in time for the Grammys. Love her or hate her, chick ALWAYS overcomes everything she's faced with. You have to respect that.

And Miley Genius Cyrus is finally speaking about her photo scandal. She's pulling the victim card and stating that fame is such a burden and blah blah. Oh yes, Miley Cyrus also said the photo was not intended to mock any ethnicity, and she was just having fun with friends. I agree, but chick is a teen queen millionaire and still doesn't understand that it comes with a price. It's only a matter of time before Miley Cyrus goes way too far and loses that damn Disney contract. I'm so over it...

In similar news, Michael Phelps has been suspended from USA Swimming for 3 months and he has also lost his contract with Kellog's.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad Etta James kind of apologized. That shit was not cool at all. And those remarks about Obama really pissed me off. Maybe now everyone can just forget about all of this. And Beyonce shouldn't even let this get to her. She is very successful and works very hard.

February 6, 2009 at 12:56 PM
Anonymous said...

I have lost so much respect for Etta James.

February 6, 2009 at 1:02 PM
Anonymous said...

Wow-so At Last wasn't even her song either? I don't see this Glen Miller dude acting stupid, so why is she?

February 6, 2009 at 1:04 PM
Anonymous said...

I wish people would just let Beyonce be. It's not that serious.

February 7, 2009 at 11:03 AM
Anonymous said...

Just jokes huh? Etta can't even put a full sentence together that makes sense. I guess that's from all the drugs. I have to read everything she says twice because it makes no sense. And I thought Beyonce needed an education and grammar lessons!

February 7, 2009 at 11:09 AM
Anonymous said...

What kind of songs is Whitney going to come out with? She's a little too old to do pop now. This should be interesting.

February 7, 2009 at 11:16 AM
Anonymous said...

Etta James is a hater, period. There is no logical reason for people to hate someone so much except JEALOUSY.

Anyway, get better Amanda. I was wondering why you didn't respond to my email. Later chica.

February 7, 2009 at 11:40 AM