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Gossip Fix|Chris Brown Rihanna Fight Update|Rihanna Says Chris Has Abused Her Before|Janet Jackson News|Beyonce News|Jennifer Hudson News

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Friday everyone!

It has been a crazy week. The Chris Brown and Rihanna fight has been the most talked about topic of this week, and so many reports and "sources" have leaked some pretty crazy and usually inaccurate reports regarding what caused the fight. The dumbest rumor I have heard is Rihanna gave Chris Brown Herpes and she got it from Jay-Z. I don't understand how people can be so damn gullible, but let me say a couple things anyway for those of you that want to believe in something so stupid.

1) A cold sore is not the same thing as genital herpes. In fact, a cold sore is herpes simplex virus type 1, and genital is caused by simplex virus type 2. Just because a person has a cold sore does not mean they have genital herpes people. Please open up a book sometimes. And if you are one of those people who saw the pictures with Rihanna walking around with a cold sore on her lips and started running around these blogs saying this chick has an std (genital herpes), you are officially an idiot. Congratulations. And I will say it one more time yall, the fight was NOT over herpes, please believe it was because someone was stepping outside of the relationship and someone was jealous. You can pick and choose which one was was jealous, and which one was unfaithful yourself.

2) Why are you young ladies trying to make up excuses for why he hit her? There are NO excuses for a man to hit a woman. He should have just shook the hell out of her and walked away. I can't name a single one of my homeboys that thought this was acceptable behavior. But they are older, so maybe that has something to do with it. And If you young people are supposed to be the future of this country and you are this ignorant, our country is screwed.

Now, let's get on to the gossip. I can't dwell on foolishness for too long, I'm just too fabulous for that.

Okay, so as usual, Media Take Out is causing drama and claiming that Chris Brown is speaking out on his "official" and private facebook page. And as usual, some of you took that and ran with it. The site claims he changed his status to "single" and said Rihanna's true colors will be exposed in his status. Hmmm


First of all, do you know how many Chris Brown, and Christopher Maurice Browns you will find on facebook? Go ahead, look it up. Trust me when I say Chris Brown hasn't said a damn thing, and that's half his problem. He has been too quiet to have all these accusations made against him. I used to be in PR, and I cannot understand why he has not released some kind of apology or statement to his fans or Rihanna for that matter. It makes him look very guilty. Ask any publicist in the business, Chris Brown has made a HUGE mistake in not speaking out by now. A HUGE mistake.

There is more trouble brewing for Chris Brown now...

Rihanna is telling police that Chris Brown has assaulted her before. Apparently, the police are now interviewing Rihanna's management and those close to her to discover the extent of this ongoing abusive relationship. They are now investigating if an eye injury Rihanna had late last year was caused by Chris Brown. Police say Rihanna is really beginning to open up about the true nature of the relationship.

In the meantime, fans of both artists are showing tremendous support and hatred on their official Myspace pages. And some of the comments are just plain out stupid. There's no need to take any sides in this situation, especially if you are going by really stupid rumors that only a 9 year old should think is believable. Regardless, Chris Brown should not have put his hands on this woman, and he is in some serious trouble. I hope he learns from this and both are able to move on just like I'm about to do...


Last night, the NAACP Image Awards took place and Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Diddy, and my fav actress Taraji P. Henson walked away as winners. Jennifer Hudson performed a tribute to Muhammad Ali, and her performance was flawless. That woman has a GOD given voice. No vocal coach can teach you how to sing like that.

Beyonce won the Outstanding Female Artist award, Jennifer Hudson won the Best New Female Artist award, and Jamie Foxx won the award for Best Male artist. Diddy received an award for his small screen performance for "A Raisin' In The Sun." It was a very emotional night and there were many tears as the NAACP celebrated their 100 years of public service and empowerment of the African American community.

And great news for Usher and wife Tameka Foster...

Her doctor has spoken out and has confirmed that she has recovered from cardiac arrest. I'm glad to hear she's doing better...

And Janet Jackson is labeless...

Live Nation has confirmed that they did not sign the icon, and she is currently without a record deal. Rumor has it that she plans to reunite with Jimmy Jam and Teri Lewis. Last year was a tough year for Janet Jackson, I hope she is able to bounce back. A lot of people are saying her music career is done. I guess only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

I didn't catch the awards last night, but I hard Jennifer Hudson tore it up. I am so happy she is back and doing her thing.

I agree, both Chris and Rihanna should move on after all of this. It seems like they just had too many problems.

February 13, 2009 at 12:28 PM
Anonymous said...

No female with any brain would justify what Chris has done. His dumb female fans condoning his actions will be the final nail in his coffin.

February 13, 2009 at 1:56 PM
Anonymous said...

I heard that no publicist alive wants to help Chris out of this one. I also heard Kanye and Jay-Z have pretty much black balled him already. He can hang it up now.

February 13, 2009 at 3:41 PM
Anonymous said...

At this point, Chris needs to just stay quiet. If he was going to say something, he should have said it already. I don't see how he is going to get past this.

February 13, 2009 at 4:18 PM
Anonymous said...

The whole herpes thing is just ridiculous. I blame MTO and Bossip for that though. Now everyone is blaming this on Rihanna. This only makes me really hate Chris Brown and all his fans. How pathetic.

February 13, 2009 at 4:22 PM