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Gossip Fix|Facebook Users Want To Fight Chris Brown|Martin Lawrence Takes On Eddie Murphy|Solange Said To Have 'Overdosed On Meds' And Passes Out

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I apologize for the delay-it's just too much going on in my life right now.

Anywho, let's get started...

After the release of Notorious BIG's biopic film last month, a lot of folks began to wonder if Tupac Shakur would have his life's story hit the theaters as well...

Well a biopic on rapper Tupac Shakur is in the works. However, there is a battle going on between his entertainment firm entitled Amaru and the Morgan Creek production company. What are they battling over you may ask? The rights to the project.

I hope both companies are able to work things out because Tupac's life story is very well deserving to be told just like Biggie's was.

Moving on...

Solange Knowles is making headlines because she passed out at LAX airport the other day...

The reports are claiming she overdosed on cold syrup and passed out in the airport because of it. Now I am pretty sure this has been fabricated quite a bit considering that she probably passed out due to her intense performance schedule over the last few weeks, but I guess it makes a more interesting story to say chick is a NyQuil junkie. Hopefully, she will get some rest after all of this.

There seems to be a lot of folks out there that really want to kick Chris Brown's a** and the list is growing daily...

Well now there is an official facebook group for people who want to do so. Yes, there is a facebook group called "I Want To Fight Chris Brown." It was created by a martial arts expert, and he says the purpose of the group is for people to join who would like to take on Chris Brown and so he can "see what it's like to face a real opponent.” The group is fairly new, but is said to be growing rapidly.

I know, this is getting ridiculous now, but just in case you want to check out or join the group yourself, click here.

And in more Chris Brown/Rihanna news, the black community is getting a bad rap for defending the actions of Chris Brown. Apparently, the media seems to think that just because there are a lot of Chris Brown fans who seem to be idiots and find his actions acceptable, all black people must somehow feel the same way.

They are even comparing this to the O.J. Simpson trial/drama, and stating how loyal they feel the black community is to black criminals.

I'm not sure how they came to this conclusion because I'm black and I do not support Chris Brown. And I know plenty of other black people who echo my sentiments. It's amazing how in 2009 people still manage to lump one group of people together based of such stupid things. Check out the ABC story here.

And I shall move on...

Martin Lawrence has a new project...

He's working on a new film entitled "Back To America," which is set on the same premise as Eddie Murphy's "Coming To America." Apparently the film is supposed to be about a working man from Queens who discovers he is heir to an African country who travels there to secure his birthright.

As of now, Martin Lawrence himself has not joined the cast.

And Beyonce has something to sing about...

She has been confirmed to sing at the upcoming Oscars. Beyonce's choice of song has not been released to the press yet.


Anonymous said...

Was a facebook group really necessary? this shit is way out of control now.

February 19, 2009 at 1:19 PM
Anonymous said...

I hope Bey doesn't sing At Last at the oscars.

February 19, 2009 at 1:25 PM
Dre' Leon said...

if they put some thought and effort into the 2pac film then i'm down but that prolly isn't gonna happen...

imo the biggie movie was weak! hope that doesn't happen w/ this film...

February 19, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Dre' Leon said...

if they put some thought and effort into the 2pac film then i'm down but that prolly isn't gonna happen...

imo the biggie movie was weak! hope that doesn't happen w/ this film...

February 19, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Anonymous said...

I cosign with 1:25pm

February 19, 2009 at 11:02 PM