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Morning Gossip Quick Fix|Chris Brown Rihanna Fight|Jennifer Hudson Wins Grammy|Whitney Houston's Awkward Grammy Appearance|Beyonce A No Show

Monday, February 9, 2009

So the 2009 Grammy Awards took place last night. And although the show itself wasn't all that entertaining with the exception of Jennifer Hudson's grammy win and performance, a swagger filled performance featuring a very pregnant and ready to give birth MIA, and a very awkward Whitney Houston; the real drama took place before the show.

No one is really talking about who won what award, everyone is talking about the escalating drama between Chris Brown and Rihanna.

So Chris Brown and Rihanna have been having some serious relationship trouble lately, and supposedly had broken up recently. I have to question how true this "break-up" was because clearly the two were very together at Clive Davis' Pre-Grammy party. Both Chris Brown and Rihanna left the party together, and got into a heated argument while in the car that led into a physical altercation.

It left Rihanna with a very bruised face and Chris Brown fled the scene. The police were called, and when they showed up to the scene they found a very bruised and shaken up Rihanna. She identified Chris Brown as her attacker, and both artists pulled out of their grammy performances and appearances.

Now before people start sending me messages telling me that they were in a car accident or Chris Brown wouldn't do that and all that mess, let me say a couple of things...

First, I used to do PR, and I can tell you that their publicist will try their very best to cover all this up. That's what their paid to do. You are never supposed to know the truth about your favorite star. You'd be surprised what your favorite singer really does behind closed doors.

There was no car accident. Use your common sense people. I knew that was a lie as soon as I heard the statement.

And Chris Brown is no saint. I don't care what you see in the videos and Double mint commercials, people in the business know he is very wild. Rihanna knows this too, that is why she was always so clingy. She tries her hardest to keep him with her every second. And industry insiders always say both Chris Brown and Rihanna fight like two grown a** men. And they fight constantly because of Rihanna's jealousy and insecurity.

Rihanna will probably try to back out of this and not press the charges because she loves dude, but it's a wrap for Chris Brown regardless. His image is tarnished now. I just hope Rihanna moves on because everyone knows she can do better. Chris might be handsome, but I don't think he's the best she can do. I never understood why they were together in the first place. It just always seemed like she was too big of a star for him. Hell, he's a bigger star now because of her. I hope she doesn't go back or she can also kiss her career goodbye too. A poisonous relationship can destroy both a woman and her career. Ask Whitney...

Anywho, did anyone notice that Beyonce was not at the Grammys? I guess she is still laying low from the Etta James drama. I can't believe she wasn't in attendance. Both Solange and Jay-Z were there and sat together.

Jennifer Hudson won a grammy for best R&B album and David Punk Otunga didn't seem to mind Jennifer getting all the spotlight. By the body language, seems like he really is into her. He is also telling folks that the last few months have drawn them closer.

And although Whitney Houston is making a comeback, she really seemed like she was back on drugs last night. Whitney looked good, but her behavior was very questionable. I still heard the voice is back and I'm still Team Whitney.

Oh yeah I'm feeling much better, thanks for the get well wishes
Try to have a good Monday folks...


Anonymous said...

I still can't believe the Chris Brown and Rihanna thing! Wow-I had no idea they fight all the time.

February 9, 2009 at 11:04 AM
Anonymous said...

I see Beyonce was too embarrassed to show her face. She should be. Eta got in her ass.

February 9, 2009 at 11:08 AM
Opé - Style Artist said...

All very interesting...

February 9, 2009 at 12:38 PM
Anonymous said...

Chris Brown really sucks! I can't believe him!

February 9, 2009 at 12:53 PM
Anonymous said...

I always had a feeling they weren't as cute as everybody thought they were. Everything that glitters ain't gold.

February 9, 2009 at 12:54 PM
Anonymous said...

No man should ever hit a woman. I don't care if she hit him first. Hitting a woman is very homo to me. I always thought Chris was gay anyway.

February 9, 2009 at 12:55 PM
Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Rihanna. I have a feeling she is going to stick with him after this too. So sad.

February 9, 2009 at 12:57 PM
Anonymous said...

Whitney Houston still has some issues to overcome. But I think her album will do well.

Rihanna just needs to leave Chris alone. It has been nothing but trouble since day one. I liked it better when she was just focusing on her career and just dating actors and having fun. She's too young to be wrapped in something so serious.

February 9, 2009 at 1:01 PM
Anonymous said...

Beyonce needs to get over this etta james mess and get back to work. It's not that serious Bey. She has too many fans for this.

February 9, 2009 at 1:02 PM
Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for J Hud! She is so fabulous and so strong. I'm glad she won!

February 9, 2009 at 1:03 PM
Anonymous said...

I love JHud! She has the best voice in the game right now. She is truly an inspiration.

As for the ignorance that is Chris Brown...I have no words.

February 9, 2009 at 1:19 PM
Anonymous said...

He's going to lose that whole teen boppy crowd he has had for so long. Bet.

February 9, 2009 at 5:47 PM
Anonymous said...

His career is over for sure! His amazingly high ratings are already beginning to dwindle down! I mean...C'mon... most of his fans are women and who is going to hype up a woman beater?! What a scumbag!

February 9, 2009 at 5:50 PM