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Usher, Tameka Not Fighting

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time for some rumor control. Usher and Tameka are not, let me say this again, NOT fighting. The rumor floating around the blogosphere is that Usher and Tameka are at odds because Tameka has been asked to stay away from Usher while he records his new album. Those reports are false.

A spokesperson for Usher and Tameka has released the following statement:

"Usher and Tameka have a solid relationship and she understands the demands of his recording schedule. He's been in the studio with Pharrell Williams and Jermaine Dupri working hard on his next album."

I know a lot of fans would love Usher to leave Tameka, but I don't think it's going to happen. Every month or so, there is divorce rumor going around about these two. It's getting old. They're married and Usher might really love Tameka people!

And even if it is true, and the spokesperson is just covering the drama up, Usher isn't leaving Tameka anytime soon. I hear he is really happy.

Anywho, I wish Usher the best on his next album. The last album sucked.


Anonymous said...

What does Usher see in Tameka's manly ass?

February 5, 2009 at 10:21 AM
Anonymous said...

He loves her because she looka like a man...

February 5, 2009 at 11:47 AM
Anonymous said...

LOL at 11:47

We all know Usher likes the fellas too. Anyone that doesn't know this man is bi is fooling themselves!

February 5, 2009 at 12:06 PM
Anonymous said...

Didn't Superhead say he liked sleeping with men in her book? Explains a lot.

February 5, 2009 at 12:39 PM