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Chris Brown Rihanna Update|Chris Brown, Rihanna Back Together?|Blood Traces Found In Chris Brown's Car

Monday, March 2, 2009

A lot of Rihanna fans and supporters received some pretty troubling news over the weekend and are left disappointed: apparently, Chris Brown and Rihanna have gotten back together.

According to many reports, Rihanna and Chris Brown met up over Sean "Diddy" Comb's Miami mansion, and have reportedly talked it out and are officially a couple once again.

There are even photos of Chris Brown riding a jet ski in Miami and driving around the city just smiling hard as hell like he feels like he just managed to save his damn career. And if this didn't sound stupid enough, sources also say Chris Brown's new team of people tipped off the paparazzi of the reunion, so the photos could be released on the mainstream gossip sites this weekend.

And still no one has managed to get a glimpse of Rihanna, only her friends and team of people that travel with her on a regular basis. So I am assuming she is somewhere sulking in the mansion because she knows the entire world think she is dumb as hell. I know I do.

What does this reunion show all of us? This is definitely not the first time Chris has gone upside Rihanna's head and it won't be the last. He bought her all those gifts on her birthday post the incident because this is what he has been doing for years. Kicking her a** and buying gifts, and making up.

Lastly, Chris Brown cares more about his career than Rihanna at this point. Why else would his people tip off the paparazzi? He is only trying to save his career, and now Rihanna's career will suffer. I can't say I feel bad for Rihanna, she has allowed herself to be made into fool at the cost of this relationship. That was her choice.

And hell, there have been many reports prior to the incident of people in the industry stating that these two fight viciously on a regular basis. And for the life of me I can't understand why anyone would want to stay with someone who you have to fight all the damn time. That is pathetic.

And thanks to Rihanna, little girls everywhere begin to think this is all acceptable behavior. They have learned that if your boyfriend beats the snot out of you, as long as he buys you diamonds and an I-Pod, you should jeopardize your career, health, and overall well being to take him back. Sorry, I was raised better than that. I hope parents explain to their kids that what Rihanna has chosen to do is wrong and very stupid. But we all know millions of dollars won't and can't buy wisdom.

And I don't know about you, but I am definitely waiting for Rihanna to lose those endorsements like Brown did. Fair is fair now. She went back, now she should lose everything now too.

And in more Chris Brown Rihanna news, blood traces were found in his car over the weekend.

Investigators say blood was found in between the front seats. This isn't good for Chris Brown, because investigators state it shows signs of a violent struggle.

Rihanna has still not pressed charges and now we all can see why she hasn't. She obviously planned on going back to Chris Brown weeks ago. His court date is still set for March 5.

Check out Chris Brown celebrating his victory over the weekend...

This is a damn shame.


Anonymous said...

I am so disappointed in Rihanna. She has lost a fan.

March 2, 2009 at 10:34 AM
Anonymous said...

I am over both of them. Chris is just cheesing like nothing happened.

March 2, 2009 at 11:59 AM
Anonymous said...

&& i thought i was the only one who felt this way! I dont think 3 weeks is long enough for them to understand what happend. Its cool for them to be friends but back in relationship? They're both immature to me.

March 2, 2009 at 1:42 PM
Anonymous said...

Rihanna obviously has no self-esteem. I hope her career suffers.

March 2, 2009 at 8:10 PM
Lurina said...

it is all for publucity for all going credit i am on chris's side.. rhiannaalways was really annyoing to me i we never saw any proof of what really happend so until i see te proof go chirs ok maybe that was a litteharsh but i am still on his side

May 4, 2010 at 9:11 PM