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Jennifer Aniston Says She Was Not Dumped By John Mayer...

Monday, March 16, 2009

because she dumped him.

Jennifer Aniston is telling friends that she was the one who broke it off with singer boyfriend John Mayer.

The two have had an off and on relationship for the last year, and now they are off again after having a great time together at the Oscars.

Apparently Jennifer Aniston noticed that Mayer had become distant after the Oscars, and decided it would best to end the relationship.

Sources tell The Sun:

"They had a great time at the Oscars, but he seemed to go cold right after. It's humiliating. To say her feelings are hurt is an understatement."

Well I hope they won't get back together this time because it sounds like old Johnny boy isn't ready for commitment. And everyone knows that off and on relationships should stay well...OFF.

I hope Jennifer Aniston finds real love one day since she has been so unlucky in relationships.


Anonymous said...

"And everyone knows that off and on relationships should stay well...OFF."

Damn Amanda that is so true. I wish I had that wisdom in my younger years, it would have saved me so much time.

March 16, 2009 at 12:28 PM