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Lil' Kim Speaks To Biggie In Her Dreams

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lil' Kim is telling folks that she still talks to Biggie, although he passed away in 1997.

Apparently, the "Dancing With The Stars" contestant holds conversations with Biggie in her sleep, and has been having these types of dreams since his passing.

Kim also says that Biggie isn't at all pleased with the Notorious biopic that was released earlier this year.

Lil' Kim told

"I'm a very spiritual person and he's come to me many times in my dreams. I don't think he's happy at all, at all! Because Ms. Wallace doesn't know Biggie at all and she barely knows Christopher, if you know what I mean. At all! And I was around. Even before he blew up so crazy, so I know how he felt about his mom.

"And Biggie was so much more than what they put him out to be in that movie. And to be honest with you, I know for a fact he's not happy. He's not satisfied at all. At all."

While I respect everyone's spiritual side, I think Lil' Kim is a nut and in need of some real therapy. It's pathetic that she really feels like she knows Biggie better than his mother, the woman who carried him for 9 months and raised him. In her own little sad world, Kim really believes she was this man's universe. Yet he dated many other female "rappers," married another woman, and asked Kim to terminate her pregnancy.

It has been about 12 years since his death, and she still has not moved on with her damn life.

Women have got to do better.


Anonymous said...

I definitely cosign with you 100% Amanda.

March 10, 2009 at 11:39 AM
Anonymous said...

Why is she still stuck on Biggie? When he was alive, he didn't even care about her like that. I guess she is still in denial. This is just sad.

March 10, 2009 at 2:09 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes Amanda, women do have to do better. Lil' Kim is an idiot.

March 10, 2009 at 2:27 PM