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Research Shows...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

that based on SAT scores, fans of Beyonce, Lil' Wayne, and gospel music are dumber than fans of Billy Joel, Journey, and classic rock.

Apparently they used Facebook, the colleges these participants attend, and SAT results to come to this conclusion.

But what the study is really trying to say is that BLACK people aren't as smart as WHITE people. I am sure that over 98 percent of Beyonce's and Lil' Wayne's fans are black. I listen to a lot of music, that includes Beyonce and Lil' Wayne, and I still graduated from college at the top of my class and with honors. So umm, yeah. I don't think a dumb person could have accomplished that.

And how can anyone take a study that uses Facebook to conduct its research seriously? The objective of this dumb a** study is so clear.

And who said that the election of Barack Obama as president would end all the racism in this country?


Anonymous said...

What kills me is how this popped up after Beyonce made headlines for being a role model to Malia and Sasha Obama. Coincidence? I doubt it.

March 18, 2009 at 11:36 AM
Anonymous said...

It is no secret that black people do more horribly on the SAT than any other race. But what they forgot to mention is how useless the SAT and all standardized exams are. I didn't do all that well, and I graduated with a 3.5 and I was a Chemistry major. I'm just not good with standardized tests. And yes I listen to Lil' Wayne. This was just another way to try to remind black people that are still somehow inferior. Well my inferior ass will continue to make my near six figure salary. Next!

March 18, 2009 at 11:45 AM
Anonymous said...

Oh this was all about race. Rock and Roll music is not "smart people" music either. And besides, I always heard that the geniuses listen to classical music. So why didn't they include those people in the study? Oh yeah I forgot, because this was all about ra.ce

March 18, 2009 at 12:05 PM
Anonymous said...

This study has no purpose. The SAT is just not that serious anymore, and it does not predict a person's future. If a person is driven to succeed and willing to work hard, they can do anything they desire. This is what it all comes down to. It has nothing to do with what muic you listen to, or what race you are. Those who have the passion to succeed, will do just that. Black people will continue to do amazing thins, and these stupid studies won't change that.

March 18, 2009 at 5:50 PM
Anonymous said...

Damn I was typing too fast...I meant *music* and *things*

March 18, 2009 at 5:51 PM
Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Amanda. I mean, I don't know a whole lot of black folks who listen to Billy Joel and Classic Rock. So we know where they were going with this. But it is 2009, I am so over people and there dumb generalization of black people. People need to find something better to do because we will still continue to go over and beyond the limitations they try to set for us.

And by the way, you should have put this in your "womp, womp" files because who ever conducted this study is an idiot.

March 18, 2009 at 5:58 PM