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Rihanna's Endorsements In Jeopardy?

Monday, March 16, 2009

I knew it would only be a matter of time before Rihanna's endorsements would become an issue, considering that the superstar beauty has reconciled and gotten back to abuser Chris Brown.

First up: Covergirl

Competitor make-up brand Revlon has conducted a survey to find out if Rihanna is hurting Covergirl's sales. Consumers were asked if they recognized Rihnna in the ad, and if they were aware of why she has been in the news as of late.

Covergirl isn't quite sure of whether they should drop Rihanna, but they aren't too convinced that her contract will be renewed either.


Rihanna's contract for Gucci is expiring soon, and sources are saying that Gucci has no plan to renew the contract.

Don't forget that Rihanna also has deals with Nike, Totes, and Gillette. There is no word on what these brands plan to do just yet.

If Chris Brown lost his endorsements, wouldn't it only be fair if Rihanna lost her endorsements as well? If she really did take Chris Brown back, I don't think she should hold on to any of these contracts. Fair is fair.

In related news, Rihanna might be set to star in the Bodyguard remake. If chosen, Rihanna will play Whitney Houston's role.


Anonymous said...

Yeah if they are back together, she should lose them too. I really wish she would just leave Chris alone though.

March 16, 2009 at 12:24 PM
Anonymous said...

No man is worth all of this mess. She has a lot to learn.

March 16, 2009 at 2:16 PM
Anonymous said...

She should lose her endorsements but she will still have a more successful career than Chris Brown. I think she will dump him eventually.

March 16, 2009 at 3:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Oh yes she will totally dump him. She will realize she is too good for him eventually and move on.

March 16, 2009 at 5:56 PM