We are all twiddling and drumming our fingers in excitement waiting for the Obamas to make some Inauguration fashion decisions. Well let's be honest, we are really only waiting on one Obama to make a choice: Michelle. Whether or not you consider her stylish, fashion savvy or just an imitator, Michelle Obama's choices in fashion will always make the headlines. So we can understand that Michelle Obama's Inauguration dress is a pretty big deal. And just about every fashion designer you can think of has sent in a sketch to the next First Lady (literally). Sounds kind of fashion iconic doesn't it? I mean who really cares what Barack is wearing? Although he has already made his choice-Chicago's Hart Schaffner. It is evident that Michelle Obama is the real news here. Pick that Inauguration dress already Michelle!
So I checked out the sketches, and here some of my favorites. Hopefully this will give you a short fix for your Inauguration Dress anxiety, but we all know there is nothing like the real thing is it?

And the most interesting of them all:

Anything else will make up for acceptance night. I trust her people will pick the right designer for the occasion.
December 24, 2008 at 8:06 PMPost a Comment