So Atlanta (my hometown) city council is considering an "anti-sagging" law at the upcoming meeting on Monday.
While there are a lot of people who are pretty pleased with the idea of passing the new law, there are others who consider it an attack on culture.
I am assuming these particular people are talking about an attack or ban on the Hip Hop culture. I think there is something people really need to think about when it comes to baggy pants.
Baggy pants are just plain out stupid and ridiculous. There is no justification for wearing your pants off your a**. None. Why even wear pants if you plan on having your a** and underwear out for the entire world to see?
I mean we finally have a black president and there are still people who want to wear baggy pants? Seriously?
This has nothing to do with Hip Hop because when Hip Hop first started I don't recall the originators wearing their pants like idiots.
So if you are a grown man, dress like one. Pull your damn pants up and stop using Hip Hop as a crutch for the foolishness. It's 2009, and I'm tired of hearing it. Besides, Hip Hop is so much better than that.
We'll see if the law gets passed.
"Pull your damn pants up and stop using Hip Hop as a crutch for the foolishness."
January 7, 2009 at 1:39 PMYes! Preach!
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