I absolutely love handbags, and I am always looking for the next big thing from fashion designers who have a history of designing very classy and magnificent handbags. But I am weak for any bag that lacks traditional appeal. I think every woman needs a break from those uncreative monogram stamped handbags that we see from all the more well known fashion designers. After purchasing a few, one begins to feel like they are just carrying a name rather than a stylish testament to the creativity of fashion. So when I see a bag like this, I have to take notice.
Katherine Kwei is not a household name designer. We don't often hear about her bags in television or movies, but maybe that ought to change. After all, it is not like celebs haven't worn any of her glamorous bags on the red carpet. Even J-Lo has a bag.
But I love the anatomy of this bag. Yes it is a clutch, but pay attention to its design. It is made up of silver metallic snake material and was fabulously woven using a traditional Chinese knotting technique. It is pretty roomy for a clutch as well, making it just as practical as it is stylish. Check out its interior...
Fab. This bag is the most expensive out of her other bags, and is priced at $1010.00 at Luxcouture. You can check out the rest of Katherine Kwei's handbags here.
Katherine Kwei is not a household name designer. We don't often hear about her bags in television or movies, but maybe that ought to change. After all, it is not like celebs haven't worn any of her glamorous bags on the red carpet. Even J-Lo has a bag.
But I love the anatomy of this bag. Yes it is a clutch, but pay attention to its design. It is made up of silver metallic snake material and was fabulously woven using a traditional Chinese knotting technique. It is pretty roomy for a clutch as well, making it just as practical as it is stylish. Check out its interior...

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